Composed in 1834, recognised in 1919

There was two section: Czech and Slovak.

From 1993, when Slovakia separeted,

only the Czech section has been retained

by the new Czech Republic as the National Anthem.


Words by JOSEF KAJETÁN TYL (1808-1856) 



Kde domov möj, kde domov möj?

Vodahuši po lušinách,

Bory ëumi po skalinách,

V sadĆ skvi se jara kvĆt,

Zemskú ráj to na pohled!

A to je ta krásna zemĆ,

ZemĆ šeská, domov möj,

ZemĆ šeská, domov möj!



Kde domov möj, kde domov möj?

V kraji znáë-li bohumilém,

Duëe utlé v tĆlĆ šilém,

Mysl Jasnou, znik a zdar,

A tu sílu, vzdoru zmar.

To je ‡echö slavné plémĆ,

Mezi ‡echy domov möj,

Mezi ‡echy domuv möj.





Where is my home, where is my home?

Water bubbles across the meadows,

Pinewoods rustle among crags,


The garden is glorious with spring blossom,

Paradise on earth it is to see.

And this is that beautiful land,

The Czech land, my home,

The Czech land, my home.



Where is my home, where is my home?

If, in a heavenly land, you have met

Tender souls in agile frames,

Of clear mind, vigorous and prospering,

And with a strength that frustrates all defiance,

That is the glorious race of Czechs,

Among Czechs (is) my home,

Among Czech, my home.