Nad Tatrou sa blúska


There was two section: Czech and Slovak.

From 1993, when Slovakia separeted,

only the Slovak section has been retained

by the new Slovak Republic as the National Anthem.


Words by JANKO MATÚžKA (1821-1877)


Nad Tatrou sa blúska, hromy divo bijú,

Nad Tatrou sa blúska, hromy divo bijú.
Zastavme sa, bratia, ved' sa ony stratia, Slováci o

Zastavme sa, bratia, ved' sa ony stratia, Slováci oűijú.



To Slovensko naëe posial' tvrdo spalo,

To Slovensko naëe posial' tvrdo spalo.
Ale blesky hromu zbudzujú ho k tomu, aby sa prebralo.

Ale blesky hromu zbudzujú ho k tomu, aby sa prebralo.





Lighting flashes over the Tatra, the thunder pounds wildly,

Lighting flashes over the Tatra, the thunder pounds wildly.

Let us pause, brothers, they will surely disappear, the Slovaks will revive,

Let us pause, brothers, they will surely disappear, the Slovaks will revive.



This Slovakia of our has been fast asleep until now,

This Slovakia of our has been fast asleep until now.

But the thunder and lighting are encouraging it to come alive,

But the thunder and lighting are encouraging it to come alive.