Words by MUZAFAR ALIMBAEV (1923-)


Azatyk zholinda zhalyndap zhanypys

Tagdyrdin tezinen, tozaktyn ozinen

Aman-sau kalyppyz, aman-sau kalyppyz.




Erkindik kyrany, sharykta

Eldikke shakyryp tirlikte!

Alyptyn kuaty - khalykta,

Khalyktyn kuaty - birlikte!



Ardaktan anasyn, kyrmetten danasyn,

Bauyrga baskanbyz barshanyn balasyn.

Tatulyk dostyktyn kieli besigi!

Meyirban Uly Otan, Kazakhtyn dalasy!






Talaydy otkerdin, otkenge salauat,

Keleshek gazhayyp keleshek galamat!

Ar-ozhdan, ana til onege-saltymyz,

Erlik te, eldik te urlakka amanat!








We are brave people, children of honesty.

We sacrificed all on the way to liberty.

We have survived the kicks of fortune,

Hell's fire, and came off unhurt.




Fly high the eagle of freedom,

Calling for unity!

People have the power of the hero,

And the power of people is in unity.



Respecting mothers and the genius of the people,

In the evil times we were open to everybody.

Kazakh steppe is our motherland,

The holy cradle of friendship and solidarity.






Let the past teach us a lesson,

We believe in a bright future.

We respect honour, dignity and our mother tongue.

We pass on our traditions, courage

And our state to future generations.